Tag: human
Portfolio Pruning
I’ve been doing some updates to the site here, obviously. Here are the pieces that have since been cut from my main portfolio. This should hopefully mean I’ll have some new work up soon! Also, since I’ve gone and edited my website’s skin in general, let me know if you see any bugs so I…
Small Projects
I’ve also done some small, one-off images recently. I’ve been trying to work with the methods discussed in the Magic Box, just so I get some more experience with it. It had some pretty mixed results but I think at this point I’ve finally figured it out. None of these are particularly interesting compositionally, however,…
The Aquarium
This was technically the third of my new pieces from this last semester. After pretty much being told that there was a huge difference between my new and old work in my portfolio, I figuratively trashed the old stuff and started work on some new things. Of course, I had to draw at least some (non-avian) creature.…
The Alchemist : Beginnings
I totally should have uploaded this ages ago. Back in Ye Olde Backround Painting class, there was a final piece from The Alchemist. This time I did pretty much the opening scene from the book. I ended up picking the secondary triadic color scheme for it, and went on to final. This was a pretty…
The Alchemist : The Oasis
Yet another piece relating to The Alchemist! I think, revisions aside, there’s only one more to do after this. This is yet another piece influenced by N. C. Wyeth and Aztec art. This time I picked a scene at the Oasis where they are talking about the journey ahead — Santiago has just recently decided…
The Alchemist : The Wind
I seem to have a lot of these Alchemist things, don’t I? Well, yeah. That’s pretty much what my background painting class is revolving around. For this particular project, we were told to make a giant sheet of various black to white blobs/markings/etc and then had to cut out mini compositions from the results. This is…
The Alchemist: In the Desert
So I’ve got another Background Painting class thing to ramble about. Two, actually, but I’m going to write about them separately. So for our more major project, I illustrated one of the scenes in the desert where the Alchemist sends away his falcon to hunt before he speaks to Santiago about the trip. There’s still a…
The Crystal Shop – Final
So I finally finished up the Crystal Shop image. There weren’t too many changes from the previous version. I softened the edges on the cast shadow in the foreground and simplified both the clouds and the fabric in the foreground. Other than that, I think I’ve pretty much ranted about everything I wanted to so…
The Crystal Shop
So for background painting this semester we were given the choice to illustrate backgrounds for either the children’s book, Jerome the Frog, or The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I went with The Alchemist mainly because I wanted to do more desert themed stuff. (Maybe one day I’ll even go back and re-redraw VC or something, can…