Magic Box Progress

For the magic box one of the assignments was to do a pseudo-master copy of a painting with a person in it..  Aaaaand turn them into an animal.

Fancy Animals - Rembrandt - Saskia Fancy Animals - Sketches Fancy Animals - Sketch Fancy Animals - Greyscale

I used a Rembrandt painting as a base and a harpy eagle as my chosen animal.  I had some pictures from the LA zoo to use as reference.

Anyway, I did 4 different color comps based on the colors of some other pictures I had and refined the one I liked the most, which happened to be based off the original image.  Guess you couldn’t go too wrong with that.

Fancy Animals - Progress 1 Fancy Animals - Progress 2

Anyway, here’s the current state it’s in.

Fancy Animals - Progress 3